Workhorse LLC.

Workhorse LLC.

Workhorse started as an app to look for labor and for that labor to be sure to get paid. Particularly in NYC, a lot of day laborers get deceived and underpaid because the majority are immigrants. Jordan Henner, the creator of Workhorse, ideated a system that assures the client to get the job correctly done and the laborer to get paid. This concept also allowed for laborers to earn points or “horsepower”, clients could rest assured their laborers were a good source.

Name: Workhorse
Client: Jordan Henner
Role: UX/UI, Web Design, Branding


Jordan Henner had the beginning of an amazing idea, he just needed to expose it to the world wrapped beautifully. He also needed to rethink the way the flow worked. Jordan reached out to me to redesign the current running Workhorse app. I created a style guide and revamped the logo. Once we were happy with the look, feel and new app flow, the Workhorse was sent to development.
Jordan saw another an opportunity after developing the second version of Workhorse. He realized the world of corporate hiring is literally a huge mess. Recruiters have a hard time gathering all applicants information and trying to discern who’s reliable, it’s even more difficult to know. I didn’t believe this, I’ve never been on that side of the job, but after getting deep into it, I realized he was right.

A Refreshing New Way To Staff Dependable Labor

Recruiters everywhere need a way to know the employee they are about to hire will not leave the job before it’s completed, or even worse, do something against the company they are hired for. They need to be sure the person they hire, is exactly who they say they are on their application. For recruiters, in many cases, is like gambling. That’s why a lot of companies spy on our social media at the time of a job interview, in order to understand who you really are. This app’s intention is to lower the chances of a bad hire.
Workhorse should not only be an app to hire daytime laborers, but it should also be able to hire anyone and customizable enough to adapt it to any industry. So he created Freshtemps, like Workhorse, but dedicated to temp-to-perm employees in the corp world. I was then challenged to rethink the flow we made for Workhorse and adapt it to this new concept.

Workhorse Creative Process